Active Reviews

Active reviews are just that! Reviews of races, hikes and other places across around Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia.

To keep it simple, these reviews are separated into categories pages you can select below. Each category allows you to check out reviews and share a comment.

Don’t see any active reviews of your trip destinations? Then submit your own active reviews, by selecting the “submit” option and providing your information. Once we receive them, we’ll look at each submission and it may end up as a new active review!

Salomon XA Pro 3D

Hit the Trails with Salomon XA Pro 3D

An all-weather, waterproof trail shoe equipped with Gore-Tex and offers an incredible fit.
I’ve wore these on the AT, Cumberland Trail, and spots in Iceland.
I highly recommend these waterproof bad boys!

5k Greeneville Tennessee TN Jogging for Jess Race


Interested in learning more about a race you are about to run? Maybe you want to submit a review of a race you love?

Hike Pine Mountain Kentucky State Scenic Trail Mtn Ky


Need to find a new hike, but not sure where to start? How about sharing one of your favorite spots?

New River Gorge West Virginia

Limited Series

Limited Series focuses on multiple activities. Updated weekly, limited series will contain different topics, list and other categories driven to motivate readers to go out and have fun!

Trails & Ales

Take a hike and grab a pint! This set of active reviews is a limited series that gives readers a trail to hike followed by a craft brewery near the trail.

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